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Here Comes the Schemers.

Have you ever bought a nice-looking fruit, and when you cut it, it is rotten inside? Well, so are the schemers: they come in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are destructive wolves. Their latest message is the “so-called rights” they claim that human beings have, without any restrictions, which sounds appealing to the human nature.

There are some examples of these “so-called rights”. Does a woman have the right to do whatever she wants with her body, such as aborting the child in her womb? Do people have the right to choose whatever sexual partners they want? Do people have the right to use “privacy” as a defence of something which they do that is forbidden by God? Do people have the right to be whatever gender they wish to be from moment to moment? All of these “so-called rights” are as crazy as it sounds, believe it or not!

As a Christian psychologist, I can tell you, this goes beyond psychological disorder: this the realm of demonic influences. These schemers’ messages are from Satan, and they have multiplied rapidly since the past few months, and they have deceived many!

Now who are these “so-called rights” and freedoms extended to? Only to those who agree with their agenda. If you profess to be a Christian and live by your Christian values, you automatically come under persecution, because your freedom to live according to your Christian values, do not count. The schemers started to label us as “bigots”, because they cannot tolerate our Christian values. Whenever we speak out against unrighteousness, they label it as “hate-speech” because they hate that we are standing up for righteousness. When we call people out of sin by the gospel of Christ, they call it intolerance because they cannot stand the fact that we are calling people out of their trap. We, as Christians, must be aware of these satanic labels, which the Holy Scripture warns us about, when people will call “good” “evil”, and “evil” “good”, but “woe” unto them! (See Isa.5:20)

My brothers and sisters, be on the alert, be aware, be active, do not become insensitive, because of the widespread evil, but instead increase your fervent preaching of God’s Word, and call sinners to repentance. This is our mandate as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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