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Stand firm!

Life is moving fast and times are rapidly changing.

Among all the changes in this world, respect for Christian values, morals and the right to freedom of religion and conscience are increasingly ridiculed and even punished. From being a country whose very constitution used direct quotes from the Bible, the USA now has stooped to a new low by even imprisoning persons who continue to stand firm by their Christian principles.

What a shame!

The case in point is the stand by Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis who refused to issue marriage licences to homosexuals. For this, she was taken to court and ordered to issue these licences or face fines or even imprisonment. Upon her return to her duties, however, she remained firm in her stand by her Biblical beliefs despite the costs. She has now been ordered to be imprisoned until she agrees to issue marriage licences.

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis sentenced September 3, 2015 in jail. (Source: Good morning America online)

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis’ firm stand for the Bible even in the face of punishment is very commendable. Although admitting being a fairly young Christian (accepting Jesus around 4 years ago), she has displayed a much higher level of maturity than most Christians would do. In fact, she virtually stands alone as five of the six of her own deputies (excluding her son) have agreed to issue same-sex marriage licences.

Throughout time, standing alone has been a trait of what God’s people had to endure. Many will claim to serve God, but only few – sometimes only 1 or 2 – really stand firm. In the time of Noah, only 8 persons were saved out of the entire world population, John was like a voice crying out In the wilderness, and Joshua had to state in the face of the sinning Israelites: “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 14-15).

As always, however, there have been mixed reactions, a large portion of which have been ridiculing and demeaning. Even among those who claim to respect her beliefs, there has been an expressed view that as an elected official, her personal beliefs should not interfere with her duties to the public. This argument has been used as a mouth-stopper by many, where it is postulated that one’s life as a Christian can somehow be relegated and compartmentalized. I do not get how some people view Christianity, but the true version of Christianity is not like work clothes that can be put on and taken off. If you promise to live by God’s law in your life, you promise to abide by these same principles not only in a church gathering, but also at home, in school, at work or in any other daily detail of life. That is simply what God requires of us, no matter what persecution may come our way.

Christians around the world, we must continue to stand firm – despite the many attacks that are coming our way. Sin will increase before Christ’s return, but do not be discouraged. Keep your head up and seek strength from the Father.

“…Be confident and determined. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I the Lord am with you wherever you may go.” (Joshua 1:9)

To Mrs. Kim Davis and all others like her: Remain firm and keep the faith.

God bless.

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